
This is the 233rd most frequent Malay word.

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"His/her/its/their side" or "party."

In this usage, 'pihaknya' refers to a group or authority associated with the individual whose opinion or decision is important.

Kita perlu menunggu keputusan daripada pihaknya sebelum membuat apa-apa tindakan.

We need to wait for the decision from his side before taking any actions.

Here, 'pihaknya' is used to denote an entity or a group represented or associated with the mentioned person.

Pihaknya tidak hadir pada acara tersebut atas alasan yang tidak dapat dielakkan.

They did not attend the event for unavoidable reasons.

Here, 'pihaknya' refers to a third party or organization linked to the individual being spoken or written about.

Pihaknya telah mengesahkan tarikh mesyuarat kepada semua peserta.

His party has confirmed the meeting date to all participants.