
This is the 887th most frequent Malay word.


"SOSMA" in Malay refers to the *Security Offences (Special Measures) Act*, a Malaysian law for handling security offenses.


Sosma adalah akronim bagi Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) 2012.

Sosma is an acronym for the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012.

Statutory Act

Rakyat membincangkan keberkesanan sosma dalam mengekang jenayah serius.

The citizens are discussing the effectiveness of Sosma in curbing serious crimes.

Legal context

Ada pandangan bahawa sosma boleh diperbaiki untuk lebih menghormati hak asasi manusia.

There are opinions that Sosma can be improved to better respect human rights.