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"Terengganu" refers to a state in Malaysia located on the eastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

Here, 'Terengganu' is a proper noun referring to a state in Malaysia, used in the context of a travel destination.

Saya pernah melancong ke Terengganu semasa cuti sekolah.

I once traveled to Terengganu during the school holidays.

In this sentence, 'Terengganu' still represents the state, but it is used to reference the origin of a specific local specialty.

Keropok lekor dari Terengganu sangat terkenal di seluruh Malaysia.

The fish crackers from Terengganu are very famous throughout Malaysia.

Here, 'Terengganu' is associated with its traditional cuisine, showcasing its rich cultural heritage.

Adakah anda tahu masakan tradisional Terengganu yang dikenali sebagai nasi dagang?

Do you know the traditional cuisine of Terengganu known as nasi dagang?