
This is the 743rd most frequent Marathi word.

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In Marathi, "cpl" does not have any inherent meaning; it might be an abbreviation or typo.

CPL here refers to the Caribbean Premier League, a cricket tournament.

आम्ही सीपीएल सामन्यासाठी तिकीट खरेदी केली.

We bought tickets for the CPL match.

CPL in this context means 'Commercial Pilot License', which is a certification for pilots.

मी सीपीएल कोर्स पूर्ण केला आहे.

I have completed the CPL course.

CPL here represents a specific brand name.

त्याने प्रोजेक्ट अहवालात सीपीएल ब्रँडचा उल्लेख केला.

He mentioned the CPL brand in the project report.