
This is the 820th most frequent Marathi word.

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Stumbling or hesitating.

The word 'अडखळत' refers to the physical act of stumbling over something while moving, often leading to losing balance temporarily.

तो अंधारात चालताना अडखळत होता.

He was stumbling while walking in the dark.

Here, 'अडखळत' metaphorically describes struggling or facing difficulty while performing a particular cognitive task, such as speaking.

ती नवीन भाषा बोलताना शब्दांवर अडखळत आहे.

She is stumbling over words while speaking the new language.

In this context, 'अडखळत' metaphorically conveys the idea of hesitation or losing confidence in a situation.

त्याच्या निर्णयानंतर सगळे प्रश्न अडखळत गेले.

After his decision, all questions faltered.