
This is the 825th most frequent Marathi word.

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The Marathi word "अथर" does not have a clear definition in standard Marathi. It may be a misspelling or a borrowed term; context is needed for clarification.

Here, 'अथर' refers to the 'essence' or central theme of the story, showcasing its abstract noun usage.

वाचन कथेचा अथर समजून घ्या.

Understand the essence of the story.

In this context, 'अथर' means 'aspect' or a meaningful part of something, emphasizing its role as a concrete noun.

लेखाच्या प्रत्येक अथरावर चर्चा करू.

We will discuss each aspect of the article.

In this sentence, 'अथर' is used as a proper noun to address a person, indicating a name.

अथर एक हुशार विद्यार्थी आहे.

Athar is a bright student.