
This is the 523rd most frequent Marathi word.

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"अळ" in English means "larva" or "grub."

A small insect or worm-like creature found on a leaf.

पाने खालच्या बाजूला छोटी अळ दिसते.

An insect is seen on the underside of the leaf.

A metaphorical usage, explaining a subtle or minute idea, often difficult to understand.

ते अळ स्पष्ट करण्यासाठी शिक्षकांनी खूप प्रयत्न केला.

The teacher put a lot of effort to explain that concept.

A linguistic explanation or discussion referring to the polysemy of the word.

मराठीमधील 'अळ' हा शब्द स्वतःत अनेक संदर्भ सामावतो.

The Marathi word 'अळ' encompasses multiple meanings within itself.