
This is the 861st most frequent Marathi word.

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The Marathi word "असह" means "intolerable" or "unbearable" in English.

The word "असह्य" is used here to describe something intolerable or unbearable, showcasing its adjective form.

असह्य वेदना आजारी व्यक्तीला सहन कराव्या लागल्या.

The patient had to endure unbearable pain.

Here, "असहाय" is used as an adjective to describe a situation of helplessness.

त्याच्या असहाय स्थितीने सगळ्यांनाच दुःखी केले.

His helpless state saddened everyone.

In this sentence, "असहयोग" is used as a noun, derived from "असह", meaning non-cooperation, showing its usage in a compound.

त्या प्रसंगी त्याला असहयोगाची भूमिका घेणे भाग होते.

At that time, he had to take a stance of non-cooperation.