
This is the 877th most frequent Marathi word.

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Conduct or behavior.

Here, 'आच' means 'heat', referring to the physical warmth from a fire.

तांब्याचे भांडे आगीत ठेवले असता त्यातला पाणी आच कमी झाल्यामुळे उकळले.

When the copper pot was placed in the fire, the water inside it boiled due to the heat.

Here, 'आच' signifies 'decorum or propriety', referring to good manners or appropriate behavior.

त्याने आच पाळून वागणे पसंत केले, कोणालाही दुखावयाचे नव्हते.

He preferred to behave with decorum, not wanting to hurt anyone.

In this sentence, 'आच' denotes 'flame intensity' related to cooking appliances.

आईने मला सांगितले की स्वयंपाक करताना आच कमी ठेव.

Mother told me to keep the flame low while cooking.