
This is the 430th most frequent Marathi word.

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"एमएच" (MH) is the vehicle registration code for the Indian state of Maharashtra.

Here, 'एमएच' refers to a vehicle registration code for the state of Maharashtra.

एमएच क्रमांकांची गाडी गावातील रस्त्यांवरून चालत होती.

A vehicle with an MH registration number was driving through the village roads.

In this context, 'एमएच' is used as an abbreviation for the state Maharashtra.

एमएच राज्य हिवाळ्यात पाहायला खूप सुंदर असते.

The state of MH is very beautiful to visit in the winter.

Here 'एमएच' is used as an acronym for a specific academic class or group.

मार्कशीटमध्ये एमएच वर्गासाठी उच्च गुणवत्तेची तयारी चालू आहे.

Preparations for achieving high marks are underway for the MH class.