
This is the 444th most frequent Marathi word.

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Rapid or fast-paced.

Here, 'जलदगत' is used to describe the fast flow or velocity of the rainwater stream.

पावसाच्या जलदगत प्रवाहाने नदी भरून वाहू लागली.

The river began overflowing with the fast-flowing rainwater stream.

In this context, 'जलदगत' emphasizes the rapid manner or pace at which they reached the location.

ते जलदगत पद्धतीने त्याच्या घरात पोहचले.

They quickly reached his house using a fast-paced method.

The term 'जलदगत' is used here in the context of internet speed, describing its role as being swift or high-speed.

जलदगत इंटरनेटमुळे शिक्षण सोपे झाले आहे.

Fast-speed internet has made education easier.