
This is the 648th most frequent Marathi word.

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The Marathi word "दस" means "ten" in English.

The word 'दस' refers to the number ten or the tenth day. Here, it is used to describe the tenth day of a festival.

आज नवीन दसर्‍याचा दस धावत आला.

Today, the tenth day of the new Dussehra came swiftly.

The word 'दस' is used metaphorically here to refer to the distinctive aspect of something, in this case, a remedy selection.

त्याने मला दहा पैकी दातवाली दस ची मात्रा दिली.

He gave me a remedy from ten, specifically the tenth one that involves a specialized solution.

Here, 'दस' metaphorically explores depth or fullness in experiencing something emotionally or spiritually.

जीवनातल्या अनेक गोष्टी दुःख आणि दिमा वेदनेच्या दस ने अनुभवायच्या असतात.

In life, many things need to be experienced with a fuller measure of pain and understanding.