
This is the 68th most frequent Marathi word.

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The Marathi word "पद" translates to "position," "status," "post," or "footstep" in English, depending on context.

The word 'पद' is used here to signify a position or title.

त्याने ते पद जिंकल्याचा अभिमान वाटतो.

He feels proud of winning that position.

Here, 'पद' is part of the word 'पदवी', which means 'degree', indicating an academic qualification.

तिने पदवी घेतली.

She earned a degree.

In this sentence, 'पद' refers to a niche or a category.

कविता लिहून त्याने एक वेगळे लेखन क्षेत्रातले पद निर्माण केले.

By writing poetry, he created a distinct niche in the field of writing.