
This is the 381st most frequent Marathi word.

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The word "बसस" does not appear to be a standard Marathi word. It might be a typographical error or slang.

Here, 'बसस' refers to 'precisely' or 'exactly', indicating timing.

तो बसस ऐनवेळेस आला.

He arrived precisely at the exact time.

Here, 'बसस' suggests 'just exactly' or a specific manner of sweetness.

ती बसस गोड हसली.

She smiled sweetly just a bit.

In this context, 'बसस' means 'exactly' or 'just at the right moment'.

त्यांनी बसस हव्या त्या वेळेस मदत केली.

They helped just when it was needed.