
This is the 184th most frequent Marathi word.

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'सच' is used here to mean 'truth', indicating honesty and genuineness.

तो नेहमी सच बोलतो.

He always speaks the truth.

'सच' refers to 'truths' in the context of personal revelations or realities.

माझ्या आयुष्यातले काही सच फक्त मलाच माहित आहेत.

Some truths about my life are known only to me.

In this sentence, 'सच' signifies 'truth' as in expressing honest personal opinion.

सच सांगायचं झालं तर मला तो चित्रपट अजिबात आवडला नाही.

To tell the truth, I did not like that movie at all.