
This is the 154th most frequent Norwegian word.

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"Thus" or "thereby."

Here, 'dermed' is used to indicate a logical consequence or result.

Han har tjent nok penger til nedbetaling av gjelden, og dermed kan han leve uten bekymringer.

He has earned enough money to pay off the debt, and thus he can live without worries.

Here, 'dermed' is used to show the direct result stemming from an earlier occurrence.

Hun fullførte kurset tidlig og fikk dermed mer tid til andre prosjekter.

She finished the course early and thereby had more time for other projects.

In this case, 'dermed' establishes causation between the good weather and the decision to have a picnic.

Været var strålende, dermed bestemte de seg for å dra på piknik.

The weather was beautiful, thus they decided to go on a picnic.