
This is the 226th most frequent Norwegian word.

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"Cold" or "called," depending on context.

Here, the word 'kalt' is used as the past participle of 'kalle' (to call), indicating what he is referred to as by others.

Han heter Lars, men blir ofte kalt Lasse.

His name is Lars, but he is often called Lasse.

Here, 'kalt' is again the past participle, marking the action of repeatedly calling through communication means like a phone.

Hun har kalt meg flere ganger for å spørre om hjelp.

She has called me several times to ask for help.

In this sentence, 'kald' is the adjective form (indicating temperature), and while 'kalt' could be similar for past participle uses, it’s not the usage here.

Det var en kald dag, og vannet i bekken var nesten frosset.

It was a cold day, and the water in the brook was almost frozen.