This is the 763rd most frequent Norwegian word.
"Northug" is not a standard Norwegian word but is a surname, most famously associated with Petter Northug, a Norwegian cross-country skier.
The word 'Northug' is used here as a proper noun referring to the well-known Norwegian athlete.
Petter Northug er en kjent langrennsløper.
Petter Northug is a famous cross-country skier.
In this context, 'Northug' becomes a metaphorical reference to determination and effort inspired by Petter Northug.
Gjennomfør løpet ditt med en ekte northug-ånd.
Complete your race with a true Northug spirit.
'Northug' as used here refers to mimicking an attribute or action associated with the athlete Petter Northug, implying a strong finishing sprint.