
This is the 3rd most frequent Norwegian word.

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"Som" in Norwegian means "as," "that," "who," or "which," depending on context.

In this case, 'som' functions as a relative pronoun to specify the type of teachers the speaker likes.

Jeg liker lærere som forklarer ting klart.

I like teachers who explain things clearly.

Here, 'som' is used to express resemblance or comparison, meaning 'as' indicating the speaker's role as a teacher.

Som lærer må jeg alltid forberede meg godt.

As a teacher, I always need to prepare thoroughly.

Here, 'som' is used as a relative pronoun introducing a relative clause that provides additional information about 'Denne mannen' (this man).

Denne mannen, som jeg kjenner godt, er veldig hyggelig.

This man, who I know well, is very kind.