
This is the 316th most frequent Polish word.

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"Anna" is a Polish given name, equivalent to "Anne" or "Anna" in English.

In this sentence, 'Anna' is a proper noun serving as the subject of the sentence, referring to a person's name.

Anna odwiedziła mnie wczoraj.

Anna visited me yesterday.

Here, 'anna' is used as a word example in Hebrew to explain its meaning as 'grace'.

Czy wiesz, że ‘anna’ to po hebrajsku ‚grace’?

Did you know that 'anna' means 'grace' in Hebrew?

Here, 'Anna Karenina' is used as a title of a famous literary work.

W literaturze często pojawia się ‘Anna Karenina’.

In literature, 'Anna Karenina' often appears.