
This is the 872nd most frequent Polish word.

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"Gdańska" means "of Gdańsk" or "Gdańsk's," referring to something related to the city of Gdańsk in Poland.

Here, 'gdańska' is used as a possessive adjective describing something belonging to Gdańsk, specifically its old town.

Kiedy byłem w Gdańsku, kupiłem piękną pamiątkę. Gdańska starówka jest naprawdę zachwycająca.

When I was in Gdańsk, I bought a beautiful souvenir. Gdańsk's old town is truly enchanting.

Here, 'gdańska' takes the feminine plural form 'gdańskie' to agree with 'ulice' (streets), illustrating its agreement in gender and number.

Ulice gdańskie są pełne życia i atmosfery historii.

The streets of Gdańsk are full of life and a historical atmosphere.

Here, 'gdańska' is used in a feminine singular genitive form to indicate the possessive relationship with 'kuchni' (cuisine).

Smak gdańskiej kuchni jest wyśmienity, szczególnie świeże ryby i owoce morza.

The taste of Gdańsk's cuisine is exquisite, especially the fresh fish and seafood.