
This is the 802nd most frequent Polish word.

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"Masz" means "you have" in English.

Here, 'masz' is the second-person singular present tense form of the verb 'mieć' (to have). It means 'you have' and is used to indicate possession.

Masz ciekawą książkę.

You have an interesting book.

In this sentence, 'masz' is also the second-person singular present tense form of 'mieć.' Here, it is used in the context of a fixed expression, 'mieć rację,' which translates to 'to be right.'

Masz rację.

You are right.

In this example, 'masz' is used as the same verb form to phrase a question. Combined with 'na coś ochotę' (a whim for something), it inquires about someone's desire or willingness to do something.

Masz na coś ochotę?

Do you feel like having something?