
This is the 400th most frequent Polish word.

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"Najbliższych" means "closest" or "nearest" (in the context of people: "loved ones" or "nearest relatives").

In this sentence, 'najbliższych' refers to close relations, such as family or friends.

Spotkałem się z moimi najbliższymi w weekend.

I met with my closest ones (family or friends) over the weekend.

Here, 'najbliższych' describes 'dni,' meaning it specifies upcoming days.

W ciągu najbliższych kilku dni pogoda ma się poprawić.

Over the next few days, the weather is expected to improve.

Similar to the first example, 'najbliższych' indicates people who are close emotionally, typically family or close friends.

Zawsze odwiedzam najbliższych, gdy jestem w mieście.

I always visit my closest relations when I'm in town.