This is the 930th most frequent Polish word.
The word "obiektu" is the genitive or accusative singular form of "obiekt," meaning "object" or "facility" in English.
The word "obiektu" here refers to a facility or building, indicating a physical place.
Ze względu na bezpieczeństwo, dostęp do tego obiektu jest ograniczony.
For safety reasons, access to this facility is restricted.
The word "obiektu" in this case means an object, indicating a physical item to be examined or mapped.
Nauka o ścisłym odwzorowaniu obiektu trójwymiarowego jest częścią fotogrametrii.
The study of accurately mapping a three-dimensional object is part of photogrammetry.
Here, "obiektu" refers to an object in a metaphorical or conceptual sense, such as an item of thought or analysis.