
This is the 404th most frequent Polish word.

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"Vehicles" (genitive plural of "pojazd").

Here, 'pojazdów' is in its genitive plural form, used to indicate possession or quantity (many vehicles).

Na ulicy stoi wiele pojazdów.

There are many vehicles parked on the street.

In this instance, 'pojazdów' is used in its genitive plural form, as it follows the preposition 'o,' requiring this case when talking about a general subject matter.

Chcę dowiedzieć się więcej o historii pojazdów.

I want to learn more about the history of vehicles.

In this example, 'pojazdów' again appears in the genitive plural, indicating the objects of the purchase action (new vehicles).

Zakup nowych pojazdów wymagał dużych nakładów finansowych.

The purchase of new vehicles required significant financial investment.