
This is the 883rd most frequent Polish word.

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The Polish word "PZPN" stands for "Polski Związek Piłki Nożnej," which translates to "Polish Football Association" in English.

Here, 'PZPN' is used as the subject of the sentence, referring to the Polish Football Association.

PZPN zorganizował coroczną konferencję w Warszawie.

The PZPN organized the annual conference in Warsaw.

In this example, 'PZPN' is mentioned as an entity undergoing changes, demonstrating its role or activities in context.

Wiadomość o zmianach w PZPN zaskoczyła wielu kibiców.

The news about changes in the PZPN surprised many fans.

Here, 'PZPN' is used to indicate organizational affiliation of an individual, showcasing its function as an institution.

Poznałem pracownika PZPN podczas turnieju młodzieżowego.

I met an employee of the PZPN during the youth tournament.