
This is the 36th most frequent Polish word.


The Polish word "we" means "in" or "into" (used in specific grammatical contexts, such as before certain noun cases).

In this sentence, 'we' is a Polish preposition meaning 'in' or 'at', used before the noun 'szkole' to indicate location within the school.

We szkole uczymy się różnych przedmiotów.

At school, we learn different subjects.

Here, 'we' is part of the phrase 'we dwoje', indicating 'two of us', showing focus on a specific number and grouping.

Aby iść na wycieczkę, musimy być we dwoje.

To go on a trip, we must be two people.

In this sentence, 'we' appears as part of the word 'weźmiemy', which means 'we will take', showcasing its role within Polish verb conjugation for the first person plural.

Pomyśleliśmy, że weźmiemy urlop w sierpniu.

We thought we would take a vacation in August.