
This is the 873rd most frequent Portuguese word.

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"Segura" means "secure," "safe," or "holds" (depending on context).

The word 'segura' here is the verb 'segurar,' meaning 'to hold.' It is in the third-person singular of the present indicative, referring to the subject 'ela.'

Ela segura a bolsa com força.

She holds the bag tightly.

The word 'segura' functions as the feminine singular adjective 'safe,' describing a noun, in this case, 'cadeira.'

Essa cadeira é muito segura.

This chair is very safe.

In this sentence, 'segura' is the feminine singular adjective 'self-assured,' used to describe a person's demeanor.

Confio nela porque ela é muito segura de si mesma.

I trust her because she is very self-assured.