
This is the 481st most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "aşa" means "so," "thus," or "like this/that" in English.

In this sentence, 'aşa' is used to mean 'in that way' or 'like that', describing the manner in which something is done.

Aşa am învăţat eu să scriu.

That's how I learned to write.

Here, 'aşa' is used to emphasize the manner of the verb, equivalent to 'so' in English, indicating a degree or intensity.

Se comportă aşa de frumos cu toată lumea.

He behaves so nicely with everyone.

In this example, 'aşa' is used as an interjection or a filler word, serving to transition or emphasize the remark being made.

Aşa, acum ştii ce ai de făcut.

There, now you know what to do.