
This is the 641st most frequent Romanian word.

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"Calcul" in Romanian means "calculation" or "reckoning" in English.

Here, 'calcul' is used as a noun to mean a mathematical calculation or estimation.

Am făcut un calcul al cheltuielilor săptămânale.

I made a calculation of the weekly expenses.

Again, 'calcul' is used as a noun referring to a systematic computation or reasoning process.

Trebuie să ținem cont de toate variabilele în acest calcul.

We must take all variables into account in this calculation.

In this sentence, 'calculată' is the feminine form of the past participle of the verb 'a calcula', meaning to calculate something.

Calculată precis, distanța este de 10 kilometri.

Calculated precisely, the distance is 10 kilometers.