
This is the 516th most frequent Romanian word.

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"Consum" in Romanian means "consumption" in English.

In this sentence, 'consumul' means 'the consumption,' referring to the use or expenditure of energy resources.

Consumul de energie a scăzut în ultima lună.

The consumption of energy has decreased in the last month.

Here, 'consumul' is employed to discuss the act of consuming or ingesting a particular substance, emphasizing quantity.

Mă îngrijorează consumul excesiv de zaharuri în rândul copiilor.

I am worried about the excessive consumption of sugars among children.

In this instance, 'consumul' is used metaphorically to represent the engagement or experiencing of cultural content.

Consumul cultural a crescut odată cu accesul online la artă.

Cultural consumption has increased with online access to art.