
This is the 544th most frequent Romanian word.

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"Curtea" in Romanian means "the court" or "the yard," depending on context.

The word 'curtea' functions as a noun in the definite form, meaning 'the court or yard,' specifically referring to the area surrounding the house.

Curtea casei este spațioasă și bine întreținută.

The yard of the house is spacious and well-maintained.

In this sentence, 'curtea' refers to the outdoor area associated with a hospital, again in its definite form, indicating a specific yard.

Am trecut prin curtea spitalului pentru a ajunge mai repede.

I walked through the hospital yard to get there faster.

Here, 'curtea' denotes the specific outdoor play or rest area associated with a school, maintaining its definiteness to imply a particular location.

Ne-am jucat în curtea școlii până a început să plouă.

We played in the schoolyard until it started to rain.