
This is the 764th most frequent Romanian word.

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"Căruia" means "to whom" or "whose" in English, used as a relative pronoun for masculine or neuter singular forms.

Here, 'căruia' is used as a relative pronoun referring to the singular noun 'poezia' (poem, which is feminine in Romanian), showing possession or association.

Aceasta este poezia căruia i-am găsit semnificații noi.

This is the poem whose new meanings I discovered.

In this example, 'căruia' acts as a relative pronoun related to the masculine singular noun 'autorul' (author), indicating an entity about whom an action is performed.

El este autorul căruia i-am citit toate lucrările.

He is the author whose all works I have read.

In this sentence, 'căruia' is used as a relative pronoun referring to the masculine singular noun 'elevul' (student), indicating the recipient of an action.

Acesta este elevul căruia i-am oferit premiul.

This is the student to whom I gave the award.