
This is the 387th most frequent Romanian word.

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"Descoperit" means "discovered" or "uncovered" in English.

In this sentence, 'descoperit' is the past participle of 'descoperi,' meaning 'to discover.' It's used to indicate an action the subject performed in the past, finding something new.

Am descoperit o nouă pasiune pentru pictură.

I discovered a new passion for painting.

Here, 'descoperit' is used in a passive construction, indicating that the object (the board) was uncovered by someone or something.

Tabela a fost descoperită înainte de începutul jocului.

The board was uncovered before the start of the game.

In this usage, 'descoperit' refers to uncovering oneself, likely as a gesture of respect or reverence, showcasing reflexive verb usage.

El s-a descoperit în fața monumentului.

He uncovered himself in front of the monument.