
This is the 76th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "față" means "face" in English.

In this sentence, the word 'față' is used in the idiomatic expression 'față în față,' which translates to 'face to face' in English, indicating a direct physical correspondence and visual interaction between two individuals.

Am vorbit față în față cu el despre problemă.

I spoke face to face with him about the problem.

Here, 'față' is used to describe a part of the human body, specifically emphasizing the facial expression or appearance.

Ea are o față zâmbitoare și prietenoasă.

She has a smiling and friendly face.

In this case, 'față' refers to a 'față de masă,' meaning 'tablecloth,' where 'față' contextually extends its meaning to represent a physical cover or layer.

Am pus o față de masă nouă în sufragerie.

I placed a new tablecloth in the dining room.