
This is the 78th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "faptul" means "the fact."

'Faptului' is used in the genitive case to attribute causation; 'the fact that'

Sunt fericit datorită faptului că am reușit să termin proiectul.

I am happy because of the fact that I managed to finish the project.

'Faptului' is used in the genitive case to contrast conditions; 'despite the fact that'

În ciuda faptului că ploua torențial, am mers la plimbare.

Despite the fact that it was raining heavily, we went for a walk.

Used to introduce a clause acting as the subject of the sentence; 'faptul' conveys 'the fact that'

Faptul că ai venit la timp arată cât de mult prețuiești această întâlnire.

The fact that you arrived on time shows how much you value this meeting.