
This is the 487th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "finală" means "final" in English.

Here, 'finală' is used as a noun referring to the last part or round of a competition.

Competiția s-a încheiat cu o finală spectaculoasă.

The competition concluded with a spectacular final.

In this case, 'finală' functions as an adjective describing 'concluzia', giving it the meaning of 'the ending or conclusive ending'.

Eseul trebuie să includă concluzia finală a cercetării.

The essay must include the final conclusion of the research.

Here, 'finală' is an adjective emphasizing the finality and ultimate nature of the section under discussion.

Asemenea întrebări sunt frecvente în ultima secțiune finală a interviului.

Such questions are common in the last final section of the interview.