
This is the 451st most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "herson" does not exist in the language or may be a misspelling.

In this sentence, 'Herson' is used as a proper noun, referring to a specific city.

Orașul Herson a fost înființat în secolul XVIII.

The city of Herson was founded in the 18th century.

Here, 'Herson' continues to be a proper noun, indicating a geographic or historical location, and is connected to its cultural or historical significance.

În literatură, Herson este uneori menționat ca un loc de exil.

In literature, Herson is sometimes mentioned as a place of exile.

In this example, 'Hersonului' is the genitive form of the proper noun 'Herson', indicating possession or close relation to something else.

Am citit un articol despre istoria Hersonului în Ucraina.

I read an article about the history of Herson in Ukraine.