
This is the 34th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "le" is a plural form of the definite article "the" for feminine nouns in the accusative and dative cases.

In this sentence, 'le' is used as an indirect object pronoun, representing the third person plural ('them'), referring to 'prietenilor mei' (my friends).

Le-am dat prietenilor mei cadouri.

I gave my friends gifts.

Here, 'le' again acts as an indirect object pronoun for 'them,' indicating the entities to whom the truth is addressed.

Trebuie să le spui adevărul.

You need to tell them the truth.

In this construction, 'le' can be perceived as referring to the people seen (third person plural, direct object), while context provides clarity of its meaning.

Le-am văzut ieri mergând prin parc.

I saw them yesterday walking through the park.