
This is the 600th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "li" is a dative personal pronoun meaning "to them" or "for them."

Here, 'li' is an indirect object pronoun referring to 'them', used with the verb 'a părea' (to seem), indicating the perspective or perception of the indirect person.

Le-am dat notele și li s-a părut corect.

I gave them the grades, and they found it fair.

In this sentence, 'li' is used as a dative pronoun, indicating that the difficulty pertains to 'them'.

Li-a fost greu să înțeleagă problema.

It was difficult for them to understand the problem.

Here, 'li' serves as a dative pronoun in the second clause, specifying that 'to them' (the students, inferred context) the explanation will be given.

Profesorii le-au cerut să vină și le-au spus că li se va explica tot.

The teachers asked them to come and said that everything would be explained to them.