
This is the 560th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "meargă" is the third person singular subjunctive form of the verb "a merge," meaning "to go" or "to walk."

The verb 'meargă' is used in the subjunctive mood, indicating a desire or requirement for the subject to go.

Să meargă el mai întâi, și apoi venim și noi.

Let him go first, and then we will come as well.

Here, 'meargă' is part of an idiomatic expression to mean something progresses or works out.

Mă întreb dacă va meargă bine planul.

I wonder if the plan will go well.

'Meargă' is used in imperative subjunctive, giving a gentle command or permission.

Dacă trebuie să meargă, să meargă acum.

If he/she/it has to go, let it go now.