
This is the 906th most frequent Romanian word.

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"The policemen"

Here, "poliţiştii" is the direct object of the verb "văzut" and denotes the specific police officers being observed.

Am văzut poliţiştii discutând cu locuitorii despre siguranţa comunităţii.

I saw the police officers talking to the residents about community safety.

In this sentence, "poliţiştii" is the subject of the verb "patrulează" and refers to the police officers collectively.

Poliţiştii patrulează cartierul pentru a menţine ordinea.

The police are patrolling the neighborhood to maintain order.

In this example, "poliţiştii" is the agent in a passive construction, introduced by "de" to indicate the helpers in the story.

Locuitorii au fost ajutaţi de poliţiştii care patrulau zona.

The residents were helped by the police officers patrolling the area.