
This is the 192nd most frequent Romanian word.

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"Războiului" means "of the war" in English.

The word 'războiului' is the genitive singular form of 'război', meaning 'war'. It indicates possession, specifying 'of the war'.

Eroii războiului au fost onorați într-o ceremonie solemnă.

The heroes of the war were honored in a solemn ceremony.

In this sentence, 'războiului' is used in the genitive singular to describe the end that is associated with the war.

Sfârșitul războiului a adus speranță multora.

The end of the war brought hope to many.

Here, 'războiului' is utilized to show association between the letters and the war, signifying 'of the war'.

Scrisorile războiului dezvăluie poveștile soldaților.

The letters of the war reveal the soldiers' stories.