
This is the 908th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "să" is a conjunction used to introduce subjunctive verbs or express purpose, intention, or condition, equivalent to "to" or "that" in English.

'sa' introduces the subjunctive mood, linking 'vreau' (I want) to 'merg' (to go).

Vreau sa merg la magazin.

I want to go to the store.

'sa' introduces the subjunctive mood, linking 'trebuie' (you need) to 'cumperi' (to buy).

Trebuie sa cumperi pâine.

You need to buy bread.

'sa' introduces the subjunctive mood, linking 'ar trebui' (we should) to 'vorbim' (to talk).

Ar trebui sa vorbim cu profesorul.

We should talk to the teacher.