
This is the 619th most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "trafic" means "traffic" in English, referring to the movement of vehicles, people, or goods.

This showcases 'trafic' meaning 'road traffic', referring to the movement of vehicles.

Traficul rutier din București este intens în timpul dimineților.

The road traffic in Bucharest is heavy during the mornings.

Here, 'trafic' means 'trafficking', specifically referring to illegal trade and movement.

Traficul de droguri este o problemă globală gravă.

Drug trafficking is a serious global issue.

In this instance, 'trafic' again refers to 'traffic', indicating the density of vehicles on the roads.

Din cauza traficului mare, suntem nevoiți să luăm o rută ocolitoare.

Due to the heavy traffic, we have to take a detour.