
This is the 989th most frequent Romanian word.

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"Transmise" in English means "transmitted" or "sent."

Here, "transmise" is again the past participle of "a transmite" and describes the action of conveying or sending good wishes, emphasizing the completed action.

Gândurile bune au fost transmise către echipă.

The good thoughts were conveyed to the team.

The word "transmise" functions as an adjectival participle describing how the wishes were sent, adding additional context about the method of sending.

Transmise prin intermediul scrisorilor, urările au ajuns la timp.

Sent through letters, the wishes arrived on time.

In this sentence, "transmise" is the past participle of the verb "a transmite" and is used in a passive construction to indicate that the messages were delivered.

Mesajele au fost transmise colegilor ieri.

The messages were sent to the colleagues yesterday.