
This is the 81st most frequent Romanian word.

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The Romanian word "îl" means "him" or "it" as a direct object pronoun.

In this sentence, 'îl' is the accusative male singular pronoun replacing 'brother' for the verb 'văd'.

Îl văd pe fratele meu în parc.

I see my brother in the park.

Here, 'îl' attached to 'să' becomes 'să-l', referring to 'him' as the object of 'ajut'.

Pot să-l ajut cu tema dacă are nevoie.

I can help him with the homework if he needs.

'Nu-l' (combining 'nu' and 'îl') serves to negate and denote 'him' as the male direct object of the verb 'înțeleg'.

Nu-l înțeleg câteodată când vorbește prea repede.

I don't understand him sometimes when he speaks too fast.