This is the 1001st most frequent Russian word.
Combat, military, or fighting.
In this sentence, 'боевой дух' refers to the spirited motivation and determination associated with combat situations, thus emphasizing a figurative meaning.
Этот солдат проявил боевой дух на поле боя.
This soldier exhibited combat spirit on the battlefield.
Here, 'боевой товарищ' implies a loyal and supportive companion with a resolute attitude, showing a more metaphorical use of 'боевой'.
У нас в классе есть боевой товарищ, который всегда заступается за своих.
In our class, there is a combative comrade who always stands up for their own.
In this case, 'боевая техника' denotes military equipment designed for use in combat, illustrating a literal application of 'боевой'.