
This is the 692nd most frequent Russian word.

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"Больнице" is the dative or prepositional case of "больница," meaning "hospital" in English.

Here, 'больнице' is used in the prepositional case to specify the location where the patients received assistance.

Пациенты получили помощь в больнице.

The patients received treatment at the hospital.

In this example, 'в больницу' uses the accusative case as it denotes the direction or destination of motion.

После аварии его сразу отвезли в больницу.

After the accident, he was immediately taken to the hospital.

In this sentence, 'больнице' refers to the location where my mother works, demonstrating its use with the preposition 'в' to indicate a place.

Моя мама работает в больнице.

My mother works at the hospital.