This is the 916th most frequent Russian word.
"Назвали" means "called" or "named."
In this sentence, 'назвали' is the past tense, plural form of the verb 'назвать', meaning 'named' or 'called'. It is used to indicate an action of naming, stating the identity or title of someone.
Их назвали лучшими студентами года.
They were named the best students of the year.
Here, 'назвал' is used in the singular masculine form of the past tense of 'назвать' and means 'stated' or 'named', referring to verbally providing information.
Он назвал причину своего опоздания.
He stated the reason for his tardiness.
In this sentence, 'назвали' in the past tense, plural form of 'назвать' indicates the action of naming a city in honor of someone, emphasizing the reason or dedication behind the naming.